Opencart [SiteAdviceNL] Shop by Look Customization

  • Автор темы Mr. Cat
  • Дата начала
Название: Shop by Look Customization
Автор: SiteAdviceNL

This extension creates the possibility to have a special "shop by look" category. Wherein you can create an additional category, give it an "look" image and add the products.

Configuration is easy. Install the VQMod and upload (modified) template-files, choose from the configuration the "shop by look" category and your good to go.
Every sub-category within this category will have a shop by look themed template.

The screenshots tell you how it looks

You can visit the demo environment:

- This is a VQmod so no coding is needed.
- Included template files might need to be adjusted to your own theme.
- Maybe also compatible with older versions, not tested!


Скрытое содержимое, доступно для группы: Премиум - Купить группу

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