Opencart [bull5-i] SimilarProductsv3.2.1oc1.5.1.3-1.5.4.xvQmod

  • Автор темы Mr. Cat
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Название: SimilarProductsv3.2.1oc1.5.1.3-1.5.4.xvQmod
Автор: bull5-i

What does it do?
Similar Products modification enables you to (automatically) link products to each other and show their relation/connection separately from the related products feature. It works just like related products, but it has many bonus features.

You can hand pick the similar products or the extension can automatically select products by manufacturer, category, manufacturer & category, product tags, name, model or custom string. Actually you can mix manually added similar products with auto selected ones.

  • Automatic similar product selection
    By matching product tags, from the same category, by the same manufacturer, from the same category and by the same manufacturer, by matching part of product name or model or by matching a custom string (all configurable per product)
  • Manual selection
    In addition to auto select you can hand pick similar products as well (or use both methods simultaneously)
  • Lazy loading
    Option to load module content only when customer has the module in view
  • Stock only
    Option to show only In Stock products
  • Various sorting options
    Sort similar products by name, model, most viewed, quantity, sort order, date added, date modified or randomize the order
  • Multiple module positions
    The module can be displayed in any or all of the following positions: Content Tab, Column Left, Column Right, Content Top or Content Bottom on product page
  • Adjustable product image size
  • Option to limit the maximum number of similar products shown
  • Option to configure the number of products shown per page

Скрытое содержимое, доступно для группы: Премиум - Купить группу

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